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Our Governors


Clare Armitage

Term of office: 16/07/2014 - 01/01/2050

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (28/09/2022)

Co-opted Representatives

 Ffion Hughes - Chair of Governing Board

Term of office: 22/09/2021 - 21/09/2025

I joined the governing body in September 2017  as a co-opted governor and my focus has been on the school finances and budgeting process given my background in financial services. 

My sons are now in years 3 and 6 and I am really enjoying the opportunity to be part of the running of the school.

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (29/09/2022)

Catherine Cobbett - Vice Chair of Governing Board

Term of office: 16/03/2021 - 15/03/2025

After a long career in University administration and management, this is my first appointment as a School Governor.  Higher Education to Primary is two ends of the spectrum – becoming a School Governor supports my strong belief in the value of education in developing individuals who are equipped to fulfill their own ambitions and contribute to our shared society and it all starts here. 

I am looking forward to putting my skills and the experience I have gained to the benefit of Lowtown Primary School.

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (28/09/2022)

Tim Wright 

Term of office: 22/09/2021 - 21/09/2025

My two boys have both attended Lowtown Primary and I became a parent governor in late 2013 before continuing as a co-opted governor. I served as chair of the Governing Body from March 2017 until September 2022. I am a professor at the University of Leeds, working on earthquakes and volcanoes. 

Relevant business / personal interests: personal interest declared (05/10/22)

Susan Wood 

Term of office: 23/09/2021 - 22/09/2025

I have been a governor at Lowtown for twenty-seven years starting when my two children were at the school and I now have two grandchildren in the school. I enjoy helping support the school and staff provide the very best education for all the children while ensuring the children are well prepared for the future both academically along with life and social skills. As a governor I am privileged to be involved in staff recruitment, monitoring the school finances and have many opportunities to visit the school to see the pupils work and perform.

Relevant business / personal interests: None declared (27/10/2022)

Riah Bleasby

Term of office: 10/03/2020 - 09/03/2024

I rejoined the governing body in 2020 after 3 months solo traveling Canada and America. I have a masters in Business Law and currently work in the Civil Service progressing my legal career. As part of my governing role I also sit on the resources sub-committee.

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (8/10/2021)

 Sophie Gross

Term of office: 23/09/2021 - 22/09/2025

I am in my 5th year of being a school governor, and am part of the TALPS (Teaching and Learning & Pupil Support) committee as well as being the lead governor for safeguarding, early years and CLA (children looked after). Two of my children attend Lowtown with a third due to join next year.

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (28/09/2022)

Sarah Tew (Deputy Headteacher)

Term of office: 23/09/2020 - 22/09/2024

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (28/09/2022)

 Jenny Martin

Term of office: 09/06/2021 - 08/06/2025

I have recently been employed as a TA at Lowtown after being a teacher in other schools for many years. I am taking a break from teaching to embark on a masters in Language and Communication Impairment in Children which may take my career in education down a different path in the future. I have previously served as a governor at Lowtown and at another Leeds school for many years. My three children have all attended Lowtown and I have strong local links to Pudsey.

 Relevant business / personal interests - Governance interest declared (3/10/22)

Lorna Brewer

Term of office: 29/09/2022 - 28/09/2026

Relevant business / personal interests - interests declared (28/09/2022)

Emily Tasker

Term of office:29/09/2022 - 29/09/2026

I have 2 children at Pudsey Lowtown Primary School in Years 4 and 2. I am currently an Accounts Supervisor having been an Accounts Assistant for 5 years prior to this role. I am working towards the Applied Skills level of the ACCA financial qualification. This is my first time as a governor, I am excited to be involved and look forward to assisting the school in any way I can.  

Relevant business / personal interests - None declared (29/09/2022)

 Parent Representatives

 Rebecca Warburton

Term of office: 23/09/2021 - 22/09/2025

I have two children attending Lowtown Primary school in Year 4 and Y1 respectively. 

I have studied and lectured in education at University for several years culminating in a PhD in Mathematics Education. I look forward to putting education theories into practice. 

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (28/09/2022)


Term of office: 06/06/22 - 05/06/2026

This is my first term as a governor at Lowtown and I am looking forward to its challenges, rewards and contributions to the success of the school.

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (28/09/2022)

Local Authority Representatives

 Viki Arnold

Term of office: 09/06/2021 - 08/06/2025

I have recently re-joined the governing body as a Local Authority governor,  having previously been involved as a parent governor during my children's time at Lowtown.  I have lived in the area for over 20 years and work as a Year 5 teacher in a large primary school in central Bradford. In my current role I have responsibility for Oracy and the Eco-Committee and have worked in finance in a previous career.

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (12/10/22)

 Staff representative

 James Goodwin

Term of office: 10/03/2021 - 09/03/2025

I am currently employed by Pudsey Lowtown as a teaching assistant (HLTA) in Year 3 and I’m on the Board of Governors as a staff member.  Prior to joining the Lowtown team, I worked in law, where I was a solicitor for many years. I practised mainly in the areas of civil litigation and insurance law before deciding to change my career path. Outside of work I enjoy reading, theatre, music, travel and the countryside.

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (28/09/2022)

Associate Members

Tracey Nichols (School Business Manager)

Term of office: 29/04/2019 - 28/04/2023

Relevant business / personal interests - none declared (29/09/2022)

Susan Francis (Clerk)

Term of office: 01/05/2019 - 30/04/2023


Review of Governor Effectiveness - July 2022

annual review of governor effectiveness july 2022.pdf