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Ofsted Inspection Highlights

We were judged to be a 'Good' school during our most recent Ofsted inspection. See below for some of the highlights from the report. A link to the full inspection report (March 2017) can be found at the bottom of this page:

"You have built a strong senior leadership team which has the capacity to continue to bring about improvement at an accelerated pace".

"Parents clearly appreciate your open approach and commented positively on your ‘ever-open door’, which enables them to come and discuss issues as and when they arise."

"Staff describe working in the school as being ‘part of a happy family’".

"Your and the governing body’s vision that pupils will leave school having developed the values of respect, empathy, responsibility, honesty, resilience and tolerance threads through all that you do as a school."

"The enthusiastic and well-structured work undertaken by the specialist-trained teaching assistant has made a valuable contribution to pupils’ improved gains in reading and writing."

"The magical qualities of the school’s wildlife garden not only made an impressive backdrop to the work pupils undertook on Shakespeare’s play ‘A midsummer night’s dream’, but also contributed well to their work in science."

"Gardening club is just one of the many clubs and sporting opportunities offered which make a strong contribution to developing pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding."

"You have ensured that safeguarding practice in school remains effective and in line with the very strong ethos of safeguarding within school."

 You can download the full inspection report below:

 Inspection Report - March 2023

 Inspection Report - March 2017

 Inspection Report 2012

Or visit the Ofsted website for further details:

Ofsted - Pudsey Lowtown Primary School