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Online Safety Guidance For Parents

From our online safety policy:

Social networking and personal publishing

  • Social networking sites will be blocked unless a specific use is approved.
  • Pupils will be advised never to give out personal details of any kind which may identify them or their location. 
  • Pupils and parents will be advised that the use of social network spaces outside school is inappropriate for primary aged pupils.
  • Staff are strongly encouraged not to refer to school on their own private social networking accounts.


From our internet use policy:

In addition to those restrictions above, staff and governors will not knowingly be ‘friends’ on Facebook or similar service with any Lowtown child or former pupil under the age of 21 unless there is a direct family link.  Where there is a close family friendship, these ‘friendships’ should be registered with the school office.  Privacy settings should be set to high.  If a member of staff or governor is a ‘friend’ with a parent at the school, the same confidentiality rules apply as would be expected with a conventional relationship.  Members of staff will not engage with non staff members in any online discussion of school business.  Staff and Governors must be conscious of the need to project a professional image in their publicly viewable online activity.