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Progress & Attainment

 We analyse the data from Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 alongside the quality of teaching and learning and work scrutiny. From this information, we can identify what we do really well and any areas to focus on for school improvement.

Alongside this information, we use our school’s internal data to track pupils more closely and identify any pupils or groups who might be underperforming. We deliver targeted interventions to support individuals and groups of pupils throughout the school with the aim of having a positive impact on the outcomes for pupils.

For more information about pupil progress and achievement please visit the School Performance Tables on the Department for Education website:

Department for Education - Lowtown School

NB. Attainment data for 2020 & 2021 is not available due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

 Key Stage 2

Children in year 6 complete 'Statutory Assessment Tests' (SATs) for reading, maths and grammar, punctuation & spelling (GPS). These are assessed by the 'National Testing Agency' and children are awarded a 'scaled score'.

The bar charts below illustrate the percentage of children achieving the 'expected' standard with a scaled score of 100+ in reading, maths and grammar, punctuation & spelling. We also show the percentage of children achieving a 'higher level of attainment' with a scaled score of 110+ in the assessments.

Writing is assessed through teacher assessment throughout the whole of year 6; the charts show the percentage of children reaching the 'expected' standard and those with a 'higher level of attainment'.

Reading, writing and maths scores are then combined to give an overall score for these areas.

For comparison, we have also included the Leeds and National averages.



ks2 attainment tables for website 2024 updated 13 09 24.pdf



Key stage 1

 Key stage 1 data is teacher assessed, taking in to account the scores from the SAT's papers that pupils complete in Year 2 as well as other internal school assessments.


ks1 attainment tables for website 2024.pdf


Phonics Attainment

 The phonics screening check is a short, simple assessment to check that all pupils have learned phonic decoding to an appropriate standard by the age of 6. All year 1 pupils in maintained schools, academies and free schools must complete this check.

The phonics check will help teachers identify the children who need extra help to enable them to receive the support they need and improve their reading skills. These children will then be able to retake the check in year 2. The check comprises a list of 40 words and non-words that the child will read one-to-one with a teacher. Your child's results will be reported to you in the summer term report.

phonics attainment tables for website 2024.pdf


 Early Years

The Early Years assessment is based on the children’s learning in key areas at the end of their year in Reception. This assessment is done through the observations of pupils carrying out activities in the areas of provision.

Pupils achieving Good Level of Development (GLD) - 2023/24

Pudsey Lowtown Primary School (%) National Average (%)
80 69

 Pupils achieving Good Level of Development (GLD) - 2022/23


Pudsey Lowtown Primary School (%) National Average (%)
70 67.2